ستاد تشکیل دولت ایران در تبعید


In this strategic direction, the incentive approach is based on more stakeholders entering the government in the proposed deportation and achieving inclusive decision-making.
And it is transparently established through the implementation of effective communication processes that achieve the acquisition and commitment of stakeholders.
This approach includes four key elements that guide the country to ensure stakeholders and the general public implement IHIF
Is. These elements include identifying and developing stakeholder and user engagement, developing messaging and strategic engagement, and communication strategy.
Effective programs and methods and continuous monitoring and evaluation. These elements are explained in more detail in the following section. To
Implementation of this strategic route, like all other strategic routes in the proposed structure of the government in exile, which was expressed in previous chapters
This approach is done by national conditions. Country-specific priorities and needs may be affected by existing capabilities,
Provide potential resources, culture and other applications.
This approach includes strategic path actions that are recommended as a tool to achieve the four main elements. This
The actions, which are based on principled guidelines, provide a step-by-step guide to implementing and achieving the desired results.
While many of these actions may be unique to this proposed strategic path, several intertwined actions
And / or pre-descriptions that are detailed in other strategic directions that may need to be completed before or at
Relate to strategic direction actions. A tool is provided to help complete the actions in the strategic path appendices.
Strategic Approach to Route 9: Communication and Interaction is shown in Figure 3 and is explained in the following sections.

The participation of various parties and groups, including shareholders and users, leads to the identification and development of relationships and alliances with supporters,
People, partners and third parties. Given the core nature of integrated national management and diversity of stakeholders, it is necessary to prioritize
Common expectations are managed. It should also be noted that their interests, needs, and motivations are likely to change constantly
And it evolves over time.
Stakeholders are crucial to strengthening integrated management, and their commitment to success is undeniable. Stakeholders and users of the domain
Different professions originate from the application and create a range of perspectives, requirements and expertise. ذینفعان
Including politicians and policymakers, government agencies and their employees, local institutions, urban or provincial enterprises, organizations
Development, philanthropists, users (both professional and public), scientific institutes, universities and research institutes, suppliers
Private sector (services), private sector users, NGOs and volunteer groups (as producers, users and
Partners), consumers and citizens (often stakeholders). Stakeholders also include reciprocal government policymakers and consumers
Information and resources are the country and the government.

It is important to first identify the beneficiaries and users, including the various groups and citizens that are emerging. Level of interest,
Expectations, their importance and impact should be analyzed. Stakeholders may be involved in organizing the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and beyond
To collect, manage, disseminate and share the necessary forces and information and / or use it for a range of services and
Programs play a role. Their views will be different – technically, governing, politically and legally they all have to
It should be noted that not all stakeholders and users are identified in the early stages, while other potential stakeholders progress.
Contributions appear. It is therefore suggested that efforts should be made to promote an inclusive and participatory environment that is welcomed by all
To be moved.

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