Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation process, performance measures to evaluate the impact of messaging and interaction strategy as well as communication strategy, programs and
Identify methods, including activities and procedures for identifying, interacting, and sustainability of stakeholders, the user community, and the public. Target
This evaluation process is to determine whether the planning and preparedness aspects of identifying and communicating with stakeholders have been effective.
Or not? Have the participation activities and procedures achieved the desired results or not?
The monitoring and evaluation process is usually used in normal operations and in some cases as a feedback mechanism. This app is an opportunity
To reflect and rethink communication and interaction practices as an action plan to implement IHIF. These efforts for
How good was the assessment of the impact of the relationship on the questions? Or how well have we communicated? And also whether we are effective or
It has been effective For stakeholder monitoring and evaluation processes, the use of a number of good portfolios can not only set the agenda, but must
Have the tools and resources. These parties and groups and even the whole country can plan and implement communication strategies and
Interaction to strengthen the management of the country and the management of related risks, be accepted and adapted
Effective monitoring and evaluation leads to continuous improvement, including re-evaluation of communication and interaction strategies and efforts. This is with AsEnsuring strategic stakeholders and user participation, effective messaging, and where communication strategies, programs and methods with variable times They are synchronized.
Thus strategic messages that consistently provide a capable environment for nationally integrated information management
Not only does it help, but it thrives to offer the best
There are specific guiding principles and elements that are effective and efficient for communication and participation. These are the principles to encourage
More input from stakeholders and advancement of inclusive and transparent decision-making so that stakeholders can play a key role in success to strengthen management
Have integrated. Imitation of a successful communication and interaction agreement from group / party to group / party or from one country to another
It probably won’t work. Because the different priorities and levels of development development and cultural aspects and expectations and needs of each party
Or there is a group that needs to be considered. It is said to encourage and use good ideas and see everyone as
The stakeholder in a project leads to the successful implementation of a joint venture. The principles of communication and interaction are:
Reliable and transparent: Open and honest communication creates trust and transparency during the interaction process and with loyal expression –
Delivers what is said .
Professionalization and Partnership: Emphasis on face-to-face participation early in building strategic relationships, providing opportunities –
Some to participate and create information and feedback for information
Inclusive and neutral: Communications and interactions are done in an inclusive, open and impartial manner. Respect for views and-
.Specialty; Participation and feedback for all stakeholders and interested users
Meaningful and timely: Communicating and interacting early when messages are honest, relevant and meaningful.
They are prepared in a timely and continuous manner
Coordinated and continuous: Coordinating communications and interactions, including with relevant organizations to facilitate consistency and prevent-
Fatigue of stakeholders. Create clear and consistent messages
Purposeful and effective: The most effective communication and interaction activities with a clear understanding of what can be achieved, the desired results with-Awareness of the goals, expertise and level of influence of stakeholders is pursued
Adaptable and responsive: Adapting time to respond to changing environments and adapting communication and engagement methods tailored to-
Different audiences and the use of appropriate mechanisms to strengthen the initial movement, management of different stakeholders and conflicting opinions for Achieving the most appropriate result for everyone.